All Utility Bot (@allutilitybot) telegram bot image

All Utility Bot

Open in Telegram
12/22/2023, 1:44:09 AM
12/30/2023, 4:18:49 PM


Fast and efficient ⚑️. Download 3Million+ EBooks πŸ“š (inspired from @bookdownbot), Translate text to many languages πŸ’Ÿ , URL Shortener, Text-to-Speech πŸ’¬ conversion, YouTube search πŸ”Ž, Generate and read QR codes, Generate Search links for google, wikipedia, duckduckgo, ecosia, youtube etc

/startStart chat with me.
/helpKnow how to use bot.
/bookSearch and download ebooks.
/trTranslate text.
/sShorten URL
/defDefinitions and other info of a word
/ttsText to speech. Default English.
/qrQR code read and generate.
/tAny country's current time
/allGenerate all sites search links.
/genGenerate n length password, default 8.
/phraseGenerate n length. passphrase, default 8.
/statGet stats of bot.
/donateDonation info