Apocalyptic MMORPG Game (@apocalypticgamebot) telegram bot image

Apocalyptic MMORPG Game

Open in Telegram
3/19/2024, 11:55:41 PM
3/19/2024, 11:55:41 PM


Apocalyptic is a multiplayer post-apocalyptic chat-based game that aims for a realistic gameplay. You wake up in the middle of a 🛣 Road with a terrible headache and sore body. You can't remember what happened and feel hungry... You should go find some help.

/walkWalk to the next place
/attackAttack a creature (`attack cat`)
/lookList everything around you or inspect an item closely
/getGrab found items (`grab apple`)
/inventoryList of all items you have on you
/seeLearn more about a specific item
/useUse an item (`use water bottle`)
/dropDrop an item in your inventory (`drop knife`)
/statsSee your stats, progress and general information
/rankingSee your ranking and the Top 10 players
/nameChange your username
/helpLearn more about how the game works