BankerBot (@bankerbot) telegram bot image


Open in Telegram
12/23/2023, 6:45:31 AM
12/30/2023, 12:41:15 PM


This bot will be your banker in any Monopoly Game (it uses millions(M) and thousands (K) for money). It can come handy if you are always the banker and don't like counting all the money ! 👆Initial commands: 👉/newgame : this will create a game ID so that you can send it to your friends 👉/joingame : you need a friend's game ID! (Made by @olalo) **NOTE: This bot is intended to be used with the physical game (which means I'm just a helper!)

/sendmoneysend money to a player
/sendeveryonesend money to everyone
/paybankpay money to the bank
/getpaidget paid by the bank
/mybalanceyour current balance
/generalbalanceeveryone's balance
/leavegameleave current game
/newgamemake a new game without players
/joingamejoin an existing game with its ID
/helphelp regarding how the bot works