BlackWerewolf (@blackwerewolfbot) telegram bot image


Open in Telegram
12/23/2023, 6:45:11 AM
12/30/2023, 12:40:55 PM


First of 2, @blackwwrobot. See @BlackWolfAnnouncements for information. For support: @blackwolfhelp

/startgameStart a game
/startchaosStart a chaos game
/startfoolishStart a foolish game
/startmightyStart a mighty game
/startclassicStart a classic game
/startcultusStart a cult game
/playersview players list
/myachvSee your achievements
/missingachvSee missing achievements
/nextgamenext game
/forcestartforce start
/extendextend the running time
/runinfocheck the number of groups
/pingcheck response time
/grouplistFind some groups to play in
/statsGet stats from the website
/fleeLeave a game
/setlinkSet the group look
/startromanceStart romantic game 😉
/smiteSmite a player
/myidlesget your current afks
/topplayersget the top players in your group
/triggerkillgameenable/disable killgame in your group chat
/socialget your social stats
/donatedonate money to help support development
/balancecheck your account balance
/sponsorfind out about getting your group on the grouplist
/invalidlinkreport a broken link in grouplist
/setlangSet your personal bot language
/startwolvesStart a villager vs wolfs game
/stopwaitingremove yourself from next game
/startmaxStart a 50+ player game
/helpFind the support chat
/startcustomCustom game mode with comma seperated list of roles