DiceTower (@dicetower_bot) telegram bot image


Open in Telegram
3/19/2024, 11:52:01 PM
3/19/2024, 11:52:01 PM


Hi! I am Dice Tower. Here you can roll all kind of dice. To roll a dice, type /roll KdN, where K is the number of dice you want to roll and the letter N is the faces number of the dice. For example, to roll one twenty sided dice, type: /roll 1d20 You can also roll multiple kind of dice in only one shot. To do this, type for example: /roll 3d6+2d8+1d10 You can add also a positive or negative number to the result both in single and multiple roll. For example, type: /roll 2d8-3+9 or /roll 2d8+3d4-2

/startTo start the bot
/helpTo see the help
/rTo roll one twenty-sided dice
/rollTo roll dice. IT DOES NOT WORK WITHOUT SPECIFYING THE DICE TYPE. Example: /roll 1d6