Ingress Agent Bot [beta] (@enlagentbot) telegram bot image

Ingress Agent Bot [beta]

Open in Telegram
12/24/2023, 4:15:22 AM
12/30/2023, 4:00:19 PM


**Establishing secure link** **Secure Link Established** Welcome Agent! Please read carefully! It's Important! I'm the Enlightened Agent Bot and I can help you with a lot of things, such as finding new verified agents, getting farming events info, helping you get inventory, and keeping you updated with critical announcements. Note: Critical alerts are important. Please use /setmute to mute notifications and keep Telegram notifications on. **Terminating link**

/helpGet a list of all available commands
/aboutView the "About Bot" text
/creditsKnow the people involved with bot development
/feedbackSend your feedback