ShoppingBot (@eytans_shopping_bot) telegram bot image


Open in Telegram
12/22/2023, 2:07:49 AM
12/29/2023, 1:52:44 PM


This bot lets you maintaine a shopping list. You can have a list in your group with your family or roomates and let everyone build it. /help - print all commands and usage /add - add an item to the list. (second usage /add <item>) /showlist - well... if you didnt get it just try it /remove - remove an item from list. (second usage /remove <item>) /edit - your next message will be the new list. (try copy paste) /settings - is list ordered alphabetically or by insertion order.

/addadd an item to the list. (second usage /add <item>)
/showlistwell... if you didnt get it just try it
/removeremove an item from list. (second usage /remove <item>)
/clearremove all items from list.
/edityour next message will be the new list. (try copy paste)
/undoeditundo last edit or clear. wont work after add/remove.
/settingsis list ordered alphabetically or by insertion order.
/helpprint all commands and usage