Job Opportunities Bot (@jobopportunitiesbot) telegram bot image

Job Opportunities Bot

Open in Telegram
3/20/2024, 12:09:29 AM
3/20/2024, 12:09:29 AM


Welcome to Job Opportunities Bot by TalentTribe! I can help you with your job search β€” or look out for suitable opportunities, if you're not job hunting πŸ€– ◽️ Get notified on relevant jobs ◽️ Save jobs that you like ◽️ Apply for jobs you want β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” For more jobs: P.S. Join our Telegram community @WerkWerkSG for career hacks and resources for savvy early career jobseekers.

/startStart getting job alerts
/setpreferencesIndicate what kinds of jobs you would like to be notified of
/viewpreferencesView the job preferences that you have set
/editpreferencesEdit your job preferences
/viewsavedjobsView a list of all the jobs you have saved using this bot
/helpGet in contact with us if you need help with using this bot
/feedbackLeave us some feedback on how we can improve this bot