Al-Qur'an Generation Bot (@quranindo_bot) telegram bot image

Al-Qur'an Generation Bot

Open in Telegram
12/24/2023, 4:12:01 AM
12/30/2023, 3:57:29 PM


This bot already inactive. Please try my another quranic bot here @quranlook_bot

/newsSee the updates from bot developer
/translateGet the meaning of Surah number <X> and Ayah number <Y> in your current Language
/read_jumpJump reading to destination Surah number <X> and Ayah number <Y>
/readDisplay the next Verse from your last read
/read_fullDisplay the next verse including translation and recitation from your last read
/listenListen Qur'an recitation from your last read
/langChange your language Qur'an verse translation
/helpDisplay these commands
/statusDisplay your current status
/read_transGet the meaning of your last read verse in your current Language
/verseGet verse from Surah number <X> and Ayah number <Y>
/verse_fullGet verse, voice and translation from Surah number <X> and Ayah number <Y>.
/voiceListen Qur'an recitation at Surah number <X> and Ayah number <Y>