Protocore (@rb_spacebot) telegram bot image


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12/23/2023, 6:56:22 AM
12/30/2023, 12:52:05 PM


Protocore is a text-based MMO space exploration game. Official chat group: Protocore has ship upgrades, items, outposts, quests, and more for you to discover in a massive, procedurally-generated universe, and leaderboards for you to edge your friends out of. See if you can find all the items and finish all the quests! Protocore is always evolving, with new ships, items, and quests coming online all the time!

/helpshow extended commands list
/commandsalias of help
/launchInitializes your character and enters you into the universe
/shipGives you stats of your current ship
/playerGives your current player stats
/inventoryLists all the items in your inventory
/planetGives information about the planet you're currenly orbiting
/baseIf you've build a base on the planet, gives information about that base. Otherwise, instructions for building a base
/questsshows you available and in-progress quests
/outpostIf the planet has an outpost or a shipyard, this will let you view the wares for sale
/universeInteresting information about the game universe
/leaderboardsShow who the heavy-hitters are
/travelGet a list of known planets near you
/routeCalculates a route to the planet you specify
/scanFind the closest unknown planet