Resistance: Hostile Intent (@resistancehostileintent_bot) telegram bot image

Resistance: Hostile Intent

Open in Telegram
12/23/2023, 6:43:51 AM
12/30/2023, 12:39:35 PM


This bot allows up to 10 players to play the game Resistance: Hostile Intent, an exciting game of social deduction and bluffing.

/helpGives you information about the available commands
/startGives you a short piece of information about Resistance:Hostile Intent
/symbolsShows you all possible symbols of the board
/rulesGives you a link to the official Resistance:Hostile Intent rules
/playernumGives you information on the different roles in a game with a specified number of players
/newgameCreates a new game
/joinJoins an existing game
/startgameStarts an existing game when all players have joined
/cancelgameCancels an existing game. All data of the game will be lost
/boardPrints the current board with mission results, leader order and voting counter
/votesPrints who voted
/calltovoteCalls the players to vote
/missionprogressPrints who in the mission team has completed the mission
/calltomissionCalls the mission team to complete the mission
/hallofhonourPrints list of beta testers who helped to test this game
/supportchannelLink to access the dedicated support channel for this telegram game