Bundesliga Tipp Bot (@soccerbetbot) telegram bot image

Bundesliga Tipp Bot

Open in Telegram
12/22/2023, 1:55:19 AM
12/29/2023, 1:21:16 PM


Bet on Bundesliga matches. Invite me to a group to challenge your friends. You may also want to add a subscription to get the latest goal updates of favorite team in live matches.

/betPlace a bet on an upcoming match.
/betsList your bets for the current/upcoming matchday.
/ladderShows a ranking for all group members.
/ligaShows the current ranking of all clubs.
/liveList the score of ongoing matches.
/matchhistoryShows the history of played games for a specific team.
/nextList the next few upcoming matches.
/statsShows statistics about your bets.
/subscribeGet goal notifications for your favorite team.
/top50Shows the global TOP50 players and their scores
/settingsLets you choose a language.