Doctor Snigger | @DrSnigger (@drsniggerbot) telegram bot image

Doctor Snigger | @DrSnigger

Open in Telegram
3/19/2024, 10:39:10 PM
3/19/2024, 10:39:10 PM


Doctor Snigger - your purveyor of kek If you like my bot, please rate it here:

/rollReturns a random dice roll
/applereturns a random amount of apples
/cocktailCocktail search interface, leave empty for random
/basedA search interface, leave empty for random
/speakreply to text or image and bot tries to read it
/blurimage manipulation
/triggeredimage manipulation
/invertimage manipulation
/gayimage manipulation
/smokingimage manipulation
/trashimage manipulation
/ripimage manipulation
/enhanceimage manipulation
/1984image manipulation
/shutimage manipulation
/deepfryimage manipulation
/bobrossimage manipulation
/clownimage manipulation
/putinimage manipulation
/hitlerimage manipulation
/tattooimage manipulation
/lisaimage generation, reply to text or enter /lisa (text)
/foodpornreturns a random r/foodporn image
/voicemTTS male voice
/voicefTTS female voice
/ttsTTS Usage
/updatesReturns update channel
/suggestionDo you have a suggestion?
/filtersAll image filters
/r8rate this bot
/incomeget your money!
/levelcheck your current level
/levelupcheck if you can levelup
/balancecheck current bank balance
/blackjackstart a game of blackjack with your balance from sniggerbank
/leaderboardshow the current leaderboard

What is Telegram and what is it for?

Telegram is one of the most popular, functional and progressive messengers, offering users the ability to send text messages, photos, videos, documents, various types of files, as well as the option to buy or sell goods or services using cryptocurrencies (e.g. TON, Toncoin, USDT, Bitcoin and so on).

Furthermore, users can find and join groups and chat rooms to communicate, subscribe to different channels and use functional bots that allow users to solve certain problems or perform useful actions. For example, bots help to moderate channels or groups, delete unwanted spam or inappropriate messages, download photos/videos/music from popular social networks, and so on.

Bot Search Issues

Currently, there is no specific place, page or section where users can find Telegram Bots List, grouped by category and/or functionality.

The only way to find the needed telegram bot is to use the global search in the messenger itself, where users enter keywords or the suggested name. However, this approach has the disadvantage that Telegram will display no more than 10 results for a given search query.

What is the Telegram Bot List and what is it for?

This website has been created to address the issue of searching for Telegram bots in a simple, easy and convenient way.

Our Telegram bots catalogue contains bots that are divided into different and popular categories (e.g. Movies & TV Shows, Photo & Video, Health & Fitness, Tools), where you can easily find the Telegram bot you need. You can also use the search page, which will give you Telegram bots list for your query from our database

This site is not affiliated with Telegram. We are not responsible for the content of telegram bots and stickers that are added to the site. All bots and stickerpacks are added from public sources