XenianBot (@xenianbot) telegram bot image


Open in Telegram
12/22/2023, 1:08:33 AM
12/30/2023, 4:25:39 PM


Hello and welcome to me, @XenianBot I am a personal assistant which can do various tasks for you. For example, I can do reverse image searches directly here in Telegram or get files from Danbooru, Safebooru, etc.

/startStart: Initialize the bot
/commandsCommands: Show all available commands
/supportSupport: Contact bot maintainer for support of any kind
/contribute<text> - Contribute: Send the supporters and admins a request of any kind
/error<text> - Error: If you have found an error please use this command.
/helpCommands: Show all available commands
/db_save_mode<tag> - Pre toggle mode: Start database save mode and send your objects
/db_save<tag> - Save object: Reply to save an object to a custom database
/db_infoAvailable DBs: Show created databases
/db_deleteRemove DB: Delete selected database
/db_listList DB Content: List the content of a DB
/randomRandom: Send random anime GIF
/danbooru<tag1> <tag2...> <page=PAGE_NUM> <limit=LIMIT> <group=SIZE> - Danbooru: Search on danbooru
/safebooru<tag1> <tag2...> <page=PAGE_NUM> <limit=LIMIT> <group=SIZE> - Safebooru: Search on safebooru
/konachan<tag1> <tag2...> <page=PAGE_NUM> <limit=LIMIT> <group=SIZE> - Konachan: Search on konachan
/define<text> - Urban Dictionary Definition: Define a word or a sentence via urban dictionary
/roll<min> <max> - Rolling Dice: Roll a number between 0 and 6 or give me another range
/decideDecide: Yes or No
/mathsMath Functions: Show all available math functions
/calc<equation> - Calculate: Solve an equation you send me, all math functions can be seen with /maths
/tts<text> <-l LANG> - Text to speech: Convert text the given text or the message replied to, to text. Use -l to define a language, like de, en or ru
/translate<text> <-lf LANG> <-lt LANG> - Translate: Translate a reply or a given text from -lf (default: detect) language to -lt (default: en) language
/download_modeToggle Download Mode on / off: If on download stickers and gifs sent to the bot of off reverse search is reactivated. Does not work in groups
/zip_modeToggle Zip Download Mode on / off: If zip mode is on collect all downloads and zip them upon disabling zip mode
/zip_clearClear ZIP download queue: Clear ZIP download queue
/downloadDownload: Reply to media for download
/searchReply reverse search: Reply to media for reverse search
/itt<-l LANG> - Image to Text: Extract text from images
/itt_translate<text> <-lf LANG> <-lt LANG> - Image to Text Translation: Extract text from images and translate it. -lf (default: detect, /itt_lang) language on image, to -lt (default: en, normal language codes) language.
/itt_langLanguages for ItT: Available languages for Image to Text
/banBan: Ban a user. Reply to one of his messages with this command (Group Only)
/warnStrike: Warn a user, after 3 warnings he get banned. Reply to one of his messages with this command (Group Only)
/kick<time> - Kick: Kick a user for 10 min or give a specific amount of time (in min) between 30sec (0.5 min) and 366 days (527040 min). Reply to one of his messages with this command (Group Only)
/deleteDelete and Warn: Delete a message from a user and warn them. Reply to one of his messages with this command (Group Only)
/unwarnRemove Warnings: Remove all warnings from a User. Reply to one of his messages with this command (Group Only)
/rulesRules: Show rules for this group (Group Only)
/rules_define<text> - Define Rules: Define rules for this group (Group Only)
/rules_removeRemove Rules: Remove rules for this group (Group Only)

What is Telegram and what is it for?

Telegram is one of the most popular, functional and progressive messengers, offering users the ability to send text messages, photos, videos, documents, various types of files, as well as the option to buy or sell goods or services using cryptocurrencies (e.g. TON, Toncoin, USDT, Bitcoin and so on).

Furthermore, users can find and join groups and chat rooms to communicate, subscribe to different channels and use functional bots that allow users to solve certain problems or perform useful actions. For example, bots help to moderate channels or groups, delete unwanted spam or inappropriate messages, download photos/videos/music from popular social networks, and so on.

Bot Search Issues

Currently, there is no specific place, page or section where users can find Telegram Bots List, grouped by category and/or functionality.

The only way to find the needed telegram bot is to use the global search in the messenger itself, where users enter keywords or the suggested name. However, this approach has the disadvantage that Telegram will display no more than 10 results for a given search query.

What is the Telegram Bot List and what is it for?

This website has been created to address the issue of searching for Telegram bots in a simple, easy and convenient way.

Our Telegram bots catalogue contains bots that are divided into different and popular categories (e.g. Movies & TV Shows, Photo & Video, Health & Fitness, Tools), where you can easily find the Telegram bot you need. You can also use the search page, which will give you Telegram bots list for your query from our database

This site is not affiliated with Telegram. We are not responsible for the content of telegram bots and stickers that are added to the site. All bots and stickerpacks are added from public sources